Global No.1 products

We have used our unique technical strengths to create products that the world had never seen before. As the first company we commercialized KURALON™, the first synthetic fiber produced using made-in-Japan technology. Other business areas include KURARAY POVAL® resin and film, PVB resin and film, the ethylene vinyl-alcohol (EVOH) copolymer EVAL™, which features excellent gas barrier properties as well as the world‘s only synthetic isoprene chemical products. Besides that we have also launched a wide range of products which have become an integral part of our every-day-life such as CLARINO™ man-made-leather, which recreates the structure of natural leather or MAGIC TAPE hook-and-loop fastener.

Our worldwide number-one businesses account for about half of the Kuraray-s group total sales.

Contact Kuraray

Please contact us if you would like to know more about Kuraray.

Expanding world-leading businesses1

1. Businesses that have the world's top market share, or are the only ones in their category worldwide (in-house survey).
