Robot hand and human hand approach each other



"Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come." This quote, which is attributed to the French writer Victor Hugo, makes successful innovation seem almost imperative. But it's not that simple. Innovations are rarely the result of a single flash of inspiration. And they can also fail. In fact, they often do. We at Kuraray have drawn the conclusion that we should make the creative process of finding ideas as open and broad as possible. We form networks with our partners and work on an innovation-friendly culture in which we share knowledge and look for new approaches together. 

The "Colour Fastness" app

Digital solution for textile quality assurance

Products brought onto the market by the textile and leather industry must meet high quality standards. Color fastness is an important criterion here. It ensures that a product retains its color and does not transfer dyes to adjacent materials, i.e. that nothing stains. If you want to check color fastness, you can either rely on your eye – with all its uncertainties – or use expensive high-tech.

Since 2022, a new digital solution with unbeatable benefits has complemented these two common methods: The color fastness app „Colour Fastness“ from Kuraray. With its support, the color fastness of leather, textiles or even other materials can be determined reliably, quickly and cost-effectively using an iPhone or iPad. Our Clarino division had originally come up with the idea of adding such a service to its own product range in conversations with customers. The innovative concept was convincing in an internal pitch and received funding for the final development and patent application.

Other than a mobile iOS device with camera, the app only requires suitable lighting conditions, a treated and untreated sample of the material as reference, and a gray scale. The rest is done by software that compares the digital image with the user‘s specifications and measures the color fastness. This greatly simplifies quality inspections by textile laboratories, testing institutes, and material manufacturers and processors. „Colour Fastness“ is available in the Apple App Store, and you can subscribe to it there.

Innovation Networking Center

Ideas for the world of tomorrow

Collaboration across borders, access to networks and the intelligent use of synergies – all with the aim of solving complex problems in partnership and achieving the best possible results. We realize this vision with our Innovation Networking Center (INC). The platform brings our customers together with Kuraray's expert teams around the world. Customer needs, industry expertise and in-depth knowledge in the fields of research, technology and chemistry come together here to form a unique symbiosis that creates a more sustainable future. Whether it's reducing energy consumption or developing and using recyclable materials, these and many other challenges cannot be tackled alone. Even the choice of raw materials determines whether products can reach their full potential in terms of sustainability, safety, and performance.

Robotic and green hand out of plants are getting together.

The INC closes a gap here and makes it possible to change established ways of thinking and break new ground. Working together with our customers in the INC creates innovation partnerships that create value and enable solutions for a better future.

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