ELVANOL™ – Polyvinyl alcohols that enhance performance and sustainability

Polyvinyl alcohols (PVOH) are key elements in the finishing of textiles, paper and cardboard as well as in adhesives, binders and coatings. Kuraray, a leading producer of polyvinyl alcohol, markets a wide range of unique PVA materials under the ELVANOL™ brand. You can use these synthetic polymers to improve the performance and quality of your products – and minimize your ecological footprint.

For industrial adhesives with better bonding capacity

ELVANOL™ has very good film-forming properties and high resistance to oil, grease and solvents – ideal properties for water-soluble films. PVOH polymers give industrial PVA adhesives, water-soluble adhesives, wood and textile adhesives excellent bonding power. As copolymers in textile sizes, ELVANOL™ T grades give yarns a protective coating – for top quality, more efficient production processes and lower energy consumption.

A strong binder for sustainable products

In addition, ELVANOL™ is an optimal emulsifier and protective colloid for the production of resin dispersions and for light-sensitive coatings. Thanks to its high binding capacity, ELVANOL™ is extremely suitable for use as a binder for ceramics, pigmented paper coatings and non-wovens. And there is another benefit: ELVANOL™ is biodegradable so it permits the development of environmentally friendly materials, for example, for the construction industry. Kuraray markets PVOH as a copolymer and as fully and partially hydrolyzed grades, so it is ideal for a wide variety of applications.

Benefit from the advantages of ELVANOL™ from Kuraray to improve the performance and sustainability of your textiles, paper and adhesives.


  • Improve product performance and quality
  • Better production efficiency and energy consumption
  • Support the development of sustainable products and materials

  • Textile sizing and finishing
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Industrial adhesives
  • Water-soluble films
  • Protective colloid for emulsion polymerization
  • Light-sensitive coatings
  • Binder for construction products
  • Pigmented paper coatings, ceramics and non-wovens
  • Very good film-forming properties
  • Good bonding capacity, good binding capacity
  • Very good barrier properties
  • Can be combined with reagents
  • Biodegradable

Further information about ELVANOL™

▸︎︎ Kuraray Poval™ Website
▸︎︎ Safety Data Sheets
▸︎︎ Technical Data Sheets
▸︎︎ Request Sample

Contact Kuraray

Do you want to know more about ELVANOL™? Please contact us. 

Telephone: +49 69 305 85 343
